Little House on the Prairie, big family breakfast, Sunday morning church service, and picnics in the park are things that come to mind when I hear the word “wholesome”. When I look up the definition of the word, I get “conducive to or promoting moral well-being”. The moral part sounds about right to me. That’s what I envision wholesome to be.
Yet, Abby Winters claims to have “wholesome young amateur women alone, together, and with their boyfriends”. It’s a porn site, folks. Hot natural chicks get naked, masturbate, and fornicate. I never saw that watching Touched By an Angel!
In all fairness, wholesome can also mean good health and physical well-being. I am going to guess that is the definition the site is choosing to go by.
To see what these natural beauties get up to, get an Abby Winters coupon for 53% off. Watch nudists camping on the beach, hairy girls performing cunnilingus on each other, and passionate couples getting intimate in front of the camera lens. There are more than 1,700 models in this Australian website.